
The meaning of sending blessings upon the Prophet (Sallalahu Alaihi wa Sallam)

Dear Readers, As  Salaamu Alaikum!


Today is the blessed day of the week-  Friday.  
It is highly recommended to recite Durood or Salawaat on Fridays as it is the most sacred day. Durood is invocation of Allah's blessings on Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu 'Alaihi wa'Sallam) just in the manner of Salutations on him

Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) has mentioned in the Holy Qur'an:


(HOLY QURA'AN: 33:56)

"Surely Allah and His, angels recite Salawaat on Holy Prophet. Oh! You believers do the same thing and send Salutations and blessings with worthy salutations on the Prophet."

The Durood is called and considered as the noblest prayer. It is a sure means to attain salvation and perfect peace plus maximum gain in this world as well as the next. The best of the Duroods is Durood –e- Ibrahim.


Pillars of Hajj

Assalam o Alaikum Dear Readers!
There are three basic pillars for performing Hajj

1.To enter into state of "Ihram" and have the intention to perform the pilgrimage.

2.To stay at the field of "Arafat" on the ninth of Dul-Hajj If someone cannot go to the field of Arafat even for a short time then his/her pilgrimage will not be complete. He/she has to perform the pilgrimage 

again the following year.

3.Additional circling of the "Ka'ba" that is done after the stay at the field of "Arafat" and performed from the tenth to the end of the month.

Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca is one of the five pillars ofIslam. Hajj was made obligatory in the 9th year of Hijra. The Holy Prophet sent off 300 Muslims under the leadership of Hazrat Abubakr Siddique (may Allah be pleased with him) to Mecca so that they could perform Hajj. That was the year when it was banned for the Mushrikeen (those who associate partners with Allah) to enter Ka'ba. It was also made unlawful to perform Tawaaf (circling of Ka'ba) with naked body.

9 Tips to Getting Those Good Deeds Done

Dear Readers, As  Salaamu Alaikum!

You close your eyes and think of the “good” deeds you did in the way of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala). You gave sadaqah, you gave a ride to someone to the masjid, shared a hadith and saw someone implementing it, helped out someone read the Qur’an today, visited a sick neighbor or called a relative and earned lots of du’aas from them.
And you smile and think, Alhamdulillah, you did something today, in sha Allah tomorrow you would do more.
And then a tiny voice says, “But what if in spite of all the good deeds I did, I still don’t please my Rabb?” And we worry; was it accepted or not? Let’s look at some conditions that we can fulfil before doing and after doing the good deeds: 
1. Make your intention clear before you do the deed
Ever wondered why the first hadith in Sahih Bukhari is “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended”? (Bukhari)
It is because the whole criteria of acceptance is “intentions” if we intend to do something for the sake of earning the pleasure of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) vis a vis acclaim or the love of some one in the dunya, then that’s all we will get. We should make a firm intention in our hearts and seek refuge from the Shaitan. This also helps us in doing our deeds with excellence, as we are doing it to please Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala)and we will then give it our 100% in sha Allah.


Managing Depression

Dear Readers, As  Salaamu Alaikum!
Today we will share an article on ways to manage depression- we all have passed through various stages in our life such as happiness and sorrow. And many of us pass through the ugly phase of our life which is Depression.
Depression is like being stuck in a deep, dark dungeon. The walls are dull and there are no windows. You feel suffocated and disturbed all the time. Your head feels empty and you feel lifeless: like all your abilities and energy have been sucked away by a black hole.
When you are going through depression, the worst part is, no one seems to understand the mental pain you are going through. People label you and call you lazy, moody and selfish.
The article mentioned below by Saba Malik. She writes:
 I’ve been through severe clinical depression and would not wish that mental agony for anyone. But despite the pain, Allah Subhanau wa Ta’ala taught me many precious lessons through my depression. This illness has shaped me into the person I am today and I do not regret having this disorder.
When I was actually having depressive episodes, I wished someone would teach me how to manage this deathly affliction. But that never happened. That’s when I learned the valuable lesson that when you can’t find a shady tree, plant one.
“Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves.”  (Qur’an Chapter 13, Verse 11) 
This article is the tree I’ve planted to help you bring back productivity to your life. So here are 5 proven and practical ways to manage depression that have done wonders for me and many different people for years:


Interaction between Men and Women on the Internet – Some Guidelines

Dear Readers, As  Salaamu Alaikum!

There are many interactive forums on the Internet, including chat sites and online communities. We need to address the critical question of how Muslim men and women should conduct themselves when they come into contact with one another while participating in these forums.

The following guidelines should be observed by Muslim men and women when interacting with one another on the Internet:

1. Never display photographs under any circumstances.

To start with, photographs are simply not necessary. The written word is more than sufficient. We must also appreciate how photographs can become a great opportunity for Satan to tempt people and make their foul deeds seem fair to them.

Some people might consider such caution misplaced. However, those who understand how people are seduced and tempted and who have experience in dealing with these problems, know that nothing is far-fetched. Moreover, some people who have a sickness in their hearts manage to deceive themselves and others that something which is completely wrong is instead something that is good and that is motivated by the sincerest and noblest intentions.
Some people especially women use the photograph of a model or an actress instead of their own photograph. But this is also not a correct thing to do. Even if you are not using your own photo, you are “exposing” some one else by using his/her photograph and ofcourse, the actress or model’s photo which you use is not properly clothed and that also becomes tempting for other male users.


How the Month of Rajab Can Make You More Productive

Assalam o Alaikum Dear Readers!

A beautiful aspect of Allah’s power is that He chooses and selects whatever He wills. Allah ‘azza wajal says about Himself: And your Lord creates whatsoever He wills and chooses. [Quran, 28:68]. The attribute of choosing shows the perfection of His wisdom, knowledge and power.

Allah subhanahu wa ta’alaa has chosen four months to be sacred. Did you know that we’re in one of those four months right now?

The Prophet salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: O People! Time has gone back to how it was at the time Allah created the Heavens and the Earth. A year has twelve months, four of which are sacred, three consecutive, Dhul-Qi’dah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, and Rajab. [Al-Bukharee]


Free mixing Between the Sexes ..(Part 2)

Dear Readers, As Salaamu Alaikum!
Today's e-mail is the continuation on the topic of free mixing of the sexes which we discussed yesterday.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala made men to have a natural inclination towards women and gave them power over the females. He made women to be naturally inclined towards men though He made them weak and soft in nature. Hence, when free mixing occurs between women and (non-Mahram) men, its effects result in bad intentions, since the human self is inclined towards evil and (carnal) desires make a person blind and dumb, while Satan commands people to do indecent and evil things.The Islamic Law (Shari’ah) is based on objectives and the means to achieve them. The means for an objective have the same rulings as the objective itself. Women are the object of desire for men, and Islam blocks the doors leading to members of one sex becoming attached to the members of the opposite gender. Yesterday in our e-mail we discussed the evidence from the Qur'an. Today's e-mail will bring to you the evidence from the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam

(continued from our e-mail yesterday..)

b) Proofs from the Sunnah
As for the evidence from the Prophet’s (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), words and actions:
1.        Imam Ahmed narrated It was narrated that Umm Humayd the wife of Abu Humayd al-Saa’idi came to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam), and said, “O Messenger of Allah, I like to pray with you.” He said, “I know that you like to pray with me, but your prayer in your room is better for you than your prayer in your courtyard and your prayer in your courtyard is better for you than your praying in your house, and your prayer in your house is better for you than your prayer in the mosque of your people, and your prayer in the mosque of your people is better for you than your prayer in my mosque.” So she issued orders that a prayer-place be prepared for her in the furthest and darkest part of her house, and she used to pray there until she met Allah (i.e., died).”


Free mixing Between the Sexes ..(Part 1)

Dear Members, As  Salaamu Alaikum wa Rehmatullahi wa Barakatahu

In today's world it has become very common for men and women to interact and mix with each other. This happens from the school time itself where boys and girls study together. Then they go to college where both boys and girls interact very frequently and then this contines in the offices where both men and women are required to work together as a "team" towards the organisation's goals.
But this free mixing is not a good thing and is one of the root causes of evil. Both mena and women get tempted to know each other, interact with each other, they may start as "just friends" but this provides a base for the shameful evils happeing later on.
We will share with you an article on "free mixing of the sexes"- quoting the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Due to the length and the content, this is divided in two e-mails. In today's e-mail we will discuss the proofs from the Qur'an. In our next e-mail, In sha Allah , tomorrow, we will bring to you evidence from the Sunnah...

Shaykh Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Aal-Al Sheikh [1311-1389 H (1893-1969 AD)], the former Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, said:
Free mixing between men and women can be of three types:

The delights of Paradise

Dear Readers, As  Salaamu Alaikum!

A brief description of paradise is mentioned in the mail below. In sha Allah, this will be a good motivation for us to do good deeds and restrain from all evil actions. Allah, Subhanahu wa Ta’ala has promised Jannah for those who believe and do righteous deeds and forbid evil, so let us be His choicest slaves by following His commandments. Be patient and thankful to Him! Love for His sake, Hate for His sake! Establish prayer and spend in charity. And In sha Allah, He will forgive us and admit us to the Eternal Home- Paradise! So what is in store for us in Paradise…let us read on..

“And if you ask about its ground and its soil, then it is of musk and saffron.
And if you ask about its roof, then it is the Throne of the Most Merciful.
And if you ask about its rocks, then they are pearls and jewels.
And if you ask about its buildings, then they are made of bricks of gold and silver.
And if you ask about its trees, then it does not contain a single tree except that its trunk is made of gold and silver.
And if you ask about its fruits, then they are softer than butter and sweeter than honey.
And if you ask about its leaves, then they are softer than the softest cloth.
And if you ask about its rivers, then there are rivers of milk who’s taste does not change, and rivers of wine that is delicious to those who drink it, and rivers of honey that is pure, and rivers of water that is fresh.
And if you ask about their food, then it is fruits from whatever they will choose, and the meat of whatever birds they desire.
And if you ask about their drink, then it is Tasneem...
And if you ask about their drinking cups, then they are crystal-clear and made of gold and silver.
And if you ask about its shade, then a fast rider would ride in the shade of one of its trees for a hundred years and not escape it.
And if you ask about its vastness, then the lowest of its people would have within his kingdom and walls and palaces and gardens the distance that would be travelled in a thousand years.
And if you ask about its tents and encampments, then one tent is like a concealed pearl that is sixty miles long.
And if you ask about its towers, then they are rooms above rooms in buildings that have rivers running underneath them.
And if you ask about how far it reaches into the sky, then look at the shining star that is visible, as well as those that are far in the heavens that the eyesight cannot possibly reach.
And if you ask about the clothing of its inhabitants, then they are of silk and gold.
And if you ask about its beds, then its blankets are of the finest silk laid out in the highest of its levels.
And if you ask about the faces of its inhabitants and their beauty, then they are like the image of the Moon.
And if you ask about their age, then they are young ones of 33 years in the image of Adam, the father of humanity.
And if you ask about what they will be hearing, then it is the singing of their wives from among the Hoor al-’Ayn, and better than that are the voices of the Angels and the Prophets, and better than that is the Speech of the Lord of the Worlds.
And if you ask about their servants, then they are young boys of everlasting youth who resemble scattered pearls.
And if you ask about their brides and wives, then they are young and full-breasted and have had the liquid of youth flow through their limbs; the Sun runs along the beauty of her face if she shows it, light shines from between her teeth if she smiles; if you meet her love, then say whatever you want regarding the joining of two lights; he sees his face in the roundness of her cheek as if he is looking into a polished mirror, and he sees the brightness from behind her muscles and bones; if she were to be unleashed upon the World, she would fill what is between the Heavens and the Earth with a beautiful wind, and the mouths of the creation would glorifiy, praise, and exclaim greatness, and everything between the East and the West would be adorned for her, and every eye would be shut from everthing but her, and the light of the Sun would be outshone just as the light of the Sun outshines the light of the stars, and everyone on the face of the Earth would believe in the Ever-Living, the One who Sustains and Protects all the exists.
And the covering on her head is better than the World and all that is in it, and she does not increase with age except in beauty; free from an umbilical cord, childbirth and menses, and pure of mucous, saliva, urine and other filthy things; her youth never fades, her clothing is never worn out, no garment can be created that matches her beauty, and no one who is with her can ever become bored; her attention is restricted to her husband, so she desires none but him, just as his attention is restricted to her so she is the sole object of his desire, and he is with her in utmost safety and security, as none has touched her before of either humans or Jinn.
And if you ask about the Day of Increase (in reward) and the visit of the all-Mighty, all-Wise, and the sight of His Face - free from any resemblance or likeness to anything - as you see the Sun in the middle of the day and the full Moon on a cloudless night, then listen on the day that the caller will call: ‘O People of Paradise! Your Lord - Blessed and Exalted - requests you to visit Him, so come to visit Him!’ So they will say: ‘We hear and obey!’
Until, when they finally reach the wide valley where they will all meet - and none of them will turn down the request of the caller - the Lord - Blessed and Exalted - will order His Chair to be brought there. Then, pulpits of light will emerge, as well as pulpits of pearls, gemstone, gold, and silver. The lowest of them in rank will sit on sheets of musk, and will not see what those who are on the chairs above them are given. When they are comfortable where they are sitting and are secure in their places, and the caller calls: ‘O People of Paradise! You have an appointment with Allah in which He wishes to reward you!’ So they will say: ‘And what is that reward? Has He not already made our faces bright, made our scales heavy, entered us into Paradise, and pushed us away from the Fire?’
And when they are like that, all of a sudden a light shines that encompasses all of Paradise. So, they raise their heads, and, behold: the Compeller - Exalted is He, and Holy are His Names - has come to them from above them and majestified them and said: ‘O People of Paradise! Peace be upon you!’ So, this greeting will not be responded to with anything better than: ‘O Allah! You are Peace, and from You is Peace! Blessed are You, O possessor of Majesty and Honor!’ So the Lord - Blessed and Exalted - will laugh to them and say: ‘O People of Paradise! Where are those who used to obey Me without having ever seen Me? This is the Day of Increase!’
So, they will all give the same response: ‘We are pleased, so be pleased with us!’ So, He will say: ‘O People of Paradise! If I were not pleased with you, I would not have made you inhabitants of My Paradise! So, ask of Me!’  So, they will all give the same response:  ‘Show us your Face so that we may look at it!’ So, the Lord - Mighty and Majestic - will remove his covering and will majestify them and will cover them with His Light, which, if Allaah - the Exalted - had not Willed not to burn them, would have burned them.
And there will not remain a single person in this gathering except that his Lord - the Exalted - will speak to him and say: ‘Do you remember the day that you did this and that?’ and He will remind him of some of his bad deeds in the Worldy life, so he will say: ‘O Lord! Will you not forgive me?’ So, He will say: ‘Of course! You have not reached this position of yours (in Paradise) except by my forgiveness.’

So, how sweet is this speech to the ears, and how cooled are the righteous eyes by the glance at His Noble Face in the Afterlife…
{Some faces that Day will be shining and radiant, looking at their Lord…} (al-Qiyaamah:22-3)

 [from Haadi al-Arwaah ilaa Bilaad il-Afraah by Ibn al-Qayyim, pg. 193]
With Best Wishes

The Quran and Hadiths on the poor and needy

Dear Members, As Salaamu Alaikum wa Rehmatullahi wa Barakatahu


Dear members, first of all we would like to apologize for not sending you email since Saturday. Due to server issues, we were unable to send you emails since saturday. SORRY!

In sha Allah, we will resume our Daily Islamic email service from today...

Zakaat is one of the pillars of Islam. It is obligatory on all the Muslims to spend on the poor and needy. This should be done entirely for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and not to “show off”. Zakaat is one of the best ways to purify yourself and also to help safeguard you from the evils.
The importance of Zakaat has been mentioned several times in the Qur’an and the Hadiths. So let us read more on it.

1. The Quran
Attitude of the giver of charity
Those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah and do not follow up their spending by stressing their benevolence and causing hurt, will find their reward secure with their Lord. They have no cause for fear and grief.

To speak a kind word and to forgive people's faults is better than charity followed by hurt.Allah is All-Sufficient, All-Forbearing
Believers! Do not nullify your acts of charity by stressing your benevolence and causing hurt as does he who spends his wealth only to be seen by men and does not believe in Allah and the Last Day. The example of his spending is that of a rock with a thin coating of earth upon it: when a heavy rain smites it, the earth is washed away, leaving the rock bare; such people derive no gain from their acts of charity. Allah does not set the deniers of the Truth on the right way. (2:262 - 264)

The needy who do not do beg
Those needy ones who are wholly wrapped up in the cause of Allah, and who are hindered from moving about the earth in search of their livelihood especially deserve help. He who is unaware of their circumstances supposes them to be wealthy because of their dignified bearing, but you will know them by their countenance, although they do not go about begging of people with importunity. And whatever wealth you will spend on helping them, Allah will know of it. (2:273)

Economic exploitation
And do not become like the woman who, after having painstakingly spun her yarn, caused it to disintegrate into pieces. You resort to oaths as instruments of mutual deceit so that one people might take greater advantage than another although Allah puts you to the test through this. Surely on the Day of Resurrection He will make clear the truth concerning the matters over which you differed. (16:92)

Food and the needy
Have you seen him who belies the rewards and punishments of the Hereafter? He it is who drives away the orphan and does not urge giving away the food of the poor. (107:1 - 3)

Give to the near of kin his due, and also to the needy and the wayfarers. Do not squander your wealth wastefully; for those who squander wastefully are Satan's brothers, and Satan is ever ungrateful to his Lord. (17:26 - 27)
Look, you are being called upon to expend in Allah's Way, yet some of you are being niggardly, whereas the one who is niggardly is, in fact, being niggardly only to himself. Allah is Self-Sufficient: it is you who are the needy. If you turn away, Allah will replace you by another people, and they will not be like you. (47:38)
Moderation in giving
Do not keep your hand fastened to your neck nor outspread it, altogether widespread, for you will be left sitting rebuked, destitute. (17:29)
(In reference to the slaves of Allah) "who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor miserly but keep the golden mean between the two (extremes) (25:67)

You shall not attain righteousness until you spend out of what you love (in the way of Allah). Allah knows whatever you spend. (3:92)

(O Prophet!) Tell those of My servants who believe that they should establish Prayer and spend out of what We have provided them with, both secretly and openly, before there arrives the Day when there will be no bargaining, nor any mutual befriending. (14:31)

Allah does not love the arrogant and the boastful, who are niggardly and bid others to be niggardly and conceal the bounty which Allah has bestowed upon them. We have kept in readiness a humiliating chastisement for such deniers (of Allah's bounty) (part of 4:36 and all of 4:37)

Zakat-what you owe from your money
The people who were given the Book before this did not divide into sects until after the clear statement (of the Right Way) had come to them, and the only Command they were given was to worship Allah, making their religion sincerely His, turning all their attention towards Him, and to establish the Salat and to pay the Zakat: for this alone is the most true and right religion. (98:4 - 5)

Establish Prayer and dispense the Purifying Alms (Zakat) and bow in worship with those who bow (2:43)

The believers, both men and women, are allies of one another. They enjoin good, forbid evil, establish Prayer, pay Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Surely Allah will show mercy to them. Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise (9:71)

The alms (Zakat in this specific verseÕs case) are meant only for the poor and the needy and those who are in charge thereof, those whose hearts are to be reconciled; and to free those in bondage, and to help those burdened with debt, and for expenditure in the way of Allah and for the wayfarer. This is an obligation from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (9:60)

2. The Hadiths
Narrated Hakim bin Hizam that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said: The upper hand is better than the lower hand (i.e. he who gives in charity is better than him who takes it). One should start giving first to his dependents. And the best object of charity is that which is given by a wealthy person (from the money which is left after his expenses). And whoever abstains from asking others for some financial help, Allah will give him and save him from asking others, Allah will make him self-sufficient. (Bukhari)
Abu Huraira related that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said: He who makes a habit of asking from others reaches out for a brand of Fire, so let him refrain or continue, as he desires. (Muslim)

Ibn Abbas related that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said: Any Muslim who gives a Muslim a garment to wear will be in Allah's safekeeping as long as a shred of it remains on him. (Ahmad, Tirmidhi)

Debt: Relieving the person in debt
Abu Qatadah related that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said: If anyone would like Allah to save him from the hardships of the Day of Resurrection, he should give more time to his debtor who is short of money, or remit his debt altogether. (Muslim)

Food and the needy
Safwan ibn Salim related that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said: Anyone who looks after and works for a widow and a poor person is like a warrior fighting for AllahÕs cause, or like a person who fasts during the day and prays all night. (Bukhari)
Anas related that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said: If any Muslim plants something or sows seed from which a man, a bird or an animal eats, it counts as a charity for him. (Bukhari, Muslim)
Relatives who are needy
Abu Huraira narrated that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said: The best charity is that which is practiced by a wealthy person. And start giving first to your dependents. (Bukhari)

Salman ibn Amer reported that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said: To give something to a poor man brings one reward, while giving the same to a needy relation brings two: one for charity and the other for respecting the family ties. (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Nasai, Tirmidhi)

Jabir reported that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said: Avoid doing injustice to others, for on the Day of Judgment, it will turn into manifold darkness, and safeguard yourself against miserliness, for it ruined those who were before you. It incited them to murder and treating the unlawful as lawful. (Muslim)

Zakat-what you owe from your money
Abbas related that a man asked Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, Tell me what should I do to be admitted to Paradise and he (the Prophet) answered: Worship Allah associating nothing with Him, observe Salat, pay Zakat and strengthen the ties of kinship. (Bukhari, Muslim)

Abu Huraira related that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam said: When someone is made rich but he does not pay Zakat for his wealth, then on the Day of Judgment his money will be turned into a poisonous snake with two black spots on its head. It will coil around his neck and bite his cheeks and say: 'I am your wealth, I am your treasure'. Then the Prophet recited verse 3:180 of the Quran. (Bukhari)

With Best Wishes

Tips to Wake up for Qiyam ul Layl (Tahajjud)

Tips to Wake up for Qiyam ul Layl (Tahajjud)

Dear Readers, As  Salaamu Alaikum!
Do you wish to wake up for Tahajjud or Qiyam ul Layl? Do you have trouble waking up or fiding it difficult to get up from your bed and pray. Presented below are some tips compiled from a lecture by Sheikh Riad Ouarzazi which will help you to wake up for Qiyam ul Layl.

  1. Sincerity: We have to be sincere towards Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala). The icing on the cake is Qiyam ul Layl. It illuminates our hearts. For those who want to soften their hearts, then pray Qiyam Ul Layl. Only Allah can see you pray Qiyam ul Layl while everyone else is sleeping in the house.

    “Actions are but by intentions and every man shall have only that which he intended.” (Bukhari)

    You want to pray Qiyam ul Layl? 

    Then you have to be sincere to be able to wake up for Qiyam ul Layl. Show it to Allah, that you love Him, sincerity by your actions, words and deeds.

    “Whosoever desires (by his deeds) the reward of the Hereafter, We give him increase in his reward, and whosoever desires the reward of this world (by his deeds), We give him thereof (what is decreed for him), and he has no portion in the Hereafter.” (42:20)

    “The goodness of the deeds is related to the goodness of the hearts and goodness of the hearts is related to the goodness of the intention.”

    Conceal acts such as good deeds like Qiyam Ul Layl. 
2. Virtues of Qiyam ul Layl  

“The best prayer after the obligatory prayer is prayer at night.” (Sahih Muslim)

Narrated Abu Huraira:Allah's Apostle said,"When it is the last third of the night, our Lord, the Blessed,the Superior, descends every night to the heaven of the world and says,'Is there anyone who invokes Me (demand anything from Me),that I may respond to his invocation;Is there anyone who asks Me for something that I may give (it to) him;Is there anyone who asks My forgiveness that I may forgive him?' “ (Bukhari)

Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aas (may Allah be pleased with them both), in which the Prophet (Salallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: Whoever recites ten aayaat (verses) in qiyaam(layl) will not be recorded as one of the forgetful. Whoever recites a hundred aayaat (verses) in qiyaam will be recorded as one of the devout, and whoever prays a thousand aayaat (verses) in qiyaam will be recorded as one of the muqantareen (those who pile up good deeds).” (Reported by Abu Dawood)

“There is nothing one enjoys more than Qiyam ul Layl” Pious Preceddesor 

3. Sleep on the right side: Abu Hurairah narrated : Let him lie down on the right side.

A special benefit may be derived from this. The heart is on the left side of the chest, and by sleeping on the right side, the heart remains on the top side. One will not have a deep sleep, but will sleep lightly. If one sleeps on the left side, the heart will be at the bottom, which will result in a deep slumber (not good if you want to wake up for fajr ontime)

4. Perform Wodhu: “While going to bed perform wodhu as if you are going to pray” Abu Dawood.

There is no Muslim who goes to sleep and remembers Allah in the state of purity.

5. Sleeping Early: When you go to sleep, sleep with the intention of getting up for qiyam ul layl 

6. Reciting dua’as before sleeping:
  • Recite Subhan Allah (33 times), Alhamdulillah (33 times) and Allahu Akbar (34 times)

  • Recite Surah Ikhlas, Surah Al Falaq, Surah An Nas and Surah Al Kafiroon 

  • Recite Ayatul Kursi: I will teach you some words by which Allah will benefit you.’ I said, ‘What are they?” He said, ‘When you lie down in your bed, recite Aayat al-Kursiy, “Allaah! Laa ilaaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists…” [al-Baraqah 2:255 – interpretation of the meaning] until the end of the aayah, then you will have a protector from Allah and no shaytaan (devil) will come near you until morning comes.’ (Bukhari)

  • It was narrated that Abu Umamah said: The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said:“Whoever recites Ayat Al-Kursi immediately after each prescribed Prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.” (Reported by An-Nisai)

7. Avoiding eating and drinking too much before going to sleep: Stop eating atleast 2 hours before going to sleep. Drink water and milk.  
8. Avoid Haram: If you cannot pray qiyam ul layl that means you are deprived and restricted and chained by your sins. The sinner does not deserve the honor of praying the Qiyam ul Layl 
9. Striving to wake up for Qiyyam: Make a team and appoint one person daily to call each other. In this way you will get up.

One of the cure for relieving stress is Qiyam ul Layl. Wake up at night and cry to Allah and talk to Him. This will help you relieve stress.

To cure anger, is Qiyam ul Layl
10. Build the Habit : You can Start with 2 rakahs just before Fajr till it becomes a habit and then move it to 4 rakats

With Best Wishes


Basic Teachings of Islam

As  Salaamu Alaikum!
We will give you a few guidelines on what you can say when non muslims question you about terrorism, equality and Justice in Islam. These are some points, you can add more to it but it should be correct with reference from Qur'an and Hadith.

Islam instructs Muslims to protect their own and others:
  1. Religion
  2. Sour
  3. Mind
  4. Honor (dignity)
  5. Money ( and whatever we own ).

Beautifully, the Glorious Qur’an points out that whoever kills and innocent soul –“it  is as if he had killed mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.”(5:32)

Concerning the freedom and protection of faith, the Glorious Qur'an stated:
“There is no compulsion in religion…”(2:256)
Thus , Islam honors mankind and does not compel anyone to embrace its faith by force. This is the truth, beauty, justice , kindness, and tolerance of Islam when dealing with non-Muslims.
Furthermore, according to recent American and Western reports, Islam is the world’s fastest – growing religion.

Islam teaches us not to hate or put down others based on their race, color of skin or eye, or nationality.
Islam is a practical remedy for the racial conflict and discrimination which the world witnesses.
About Equality, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) says:
“O mankind, indeed We have created you from male an female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed the most noble of you in the sight of God (Allah) is the most righteous of you. Indeed God (Allah) is knowing and Acquainted.” (49:13)
Confirming this wonderful concept of equality in Islam, Prophet Muhammad, (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallam) in his last sermon, said:
“O people, your God is one and your father is one. You are all from Adam and Adam is from dust. An  Arab is not superior to  a non-Arab , and a non-Arab is not superior to an Arab. A white has no superiority over a black , nor does a black  have superiority over a white. You are all equal, nobody has superiority over others except through piety and good action.”
In Islam, blacks and whites are just brothers and sisters in the same human race.
 They  are all from the same father, Adam, who was created from dust. Thus , we are all from earth and we will return to it and turning back to dust.
So, why do some people feel , deal, or act with arrogance or false pride towards others? This is the interesting lesson that we can derive from the above two holy texts. And this was the lesson that Malcolm X learned when he went to Makkah to perform Hajj(pilgrimage).
About Justice, Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) says:
“O  you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah as just witnesses; and let not the hatred of a people make you avoid justice. Be just; what is next to piety, an fear Allah for Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do. “ (5:8)
Islam teaches us to be just with all people; whether with friends or foes an at all times; in peace or in war.
It teaches its followers to conduct themselves with unconditional justice and morality free of political motives, individual whims, social and cultural circumstances, or temporal relativism.
  “Allah does command you that you restore deposits to their owners, and , if you judge between mankind , that you judge with justice.”(4:58)
As a practical manifestation of its beauty, eternal values, mercy , and justice, Islam commands us to protect what Muslim scholars call :
“O  you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah as just witnesses; and let not the hatred of a people make you avoid justice. Be just; what is next to piety, an fear Allah for Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do. “ (5:8)
Islam teaches us to be just with all people; whether with friends or foes an at all times; in peace or in war.
It teaches its followers to conduct themselves with unconditional justice and morality free of political motives, individual whims, social and cultural circumstances, or temporal relativism.
“Allah does command you that you restore deposits to their owners, and , if you judge between mankind , that you judge with justice.”(4:58)
With Best Wishes

Du’a is the essence of worship الدعاء مخ العبادة

Allah Ta’ala has clearly stated in the Qur’an the purpose of creating mankind:
وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ
“And I have not created the Jinn or the mankind except to worship Me”
[Surah adh-Dhariyaat – 51:56]
It is evident from this verse that the purpose of our creation was so that we could submit to Allah Ta’ala 
and worship Him in the many ways He has shown us.The mercy of Allah is such that He made Islam a 
complete way of life for us and has made worshiping easy by creating Direct forms of worship and 
Indirect forms.

The earning of a livelihood, eating, family life and socialising are examples of our daily lifestyles, yet
 Allah has made it possible for these to be worships also. On the other hand, the five prayers, charity, 
fasting and pilgrimage are just a few examples of direct worship.
Nevertheless, there is an act of worship which has been proclaimed by our beloved Prophet
 صلي الله عليه و سلم to be the core and essence of worship. He صلي الله عليه و سلم has said:
الدعاء مخ العبادة
“Du’a is the essence of worship”
[Sunan Tirmidhi]
And in a Qur’anic verse Allah states:
فَادْعُوا اللَّهَ مُخْلِصِينَ لَهُ الدِّينَ
“So call upon Allah making your worship pure for Him”