
The Sunnats Of Eating

1.    To wash both hands up to the wrists
2.    To spread out the dastarkhan (table cloth)
3.    To recite Bismillah

4.To recite this dua when forgetting dua before eating.

 5.    To eat with the right hand (unless you are incapable of)
6.    To eat from that which is in front of you.
       If there is a variety of food in the dastarkhan then one could eat whatever one likes. One should
       stretch out his hand (in order to get the food) after the other person has drawn his hand back.
7.    To eat with 3 three fingers. This helps to digest the food (scientifically proven) as a result by
       eating bit by bit. It is the most efficient method of eating. Eating with five fingers and the palm of
       the hand is very un-hygienic and this implies the filling of the stomach by food and the digestive
       organs could be blocked, which leads to the human being's death.
8.    To clean the plate, bowl, etc. and to lick the fingers.
9.    To pick up and eat a fallen morsel, and not to leave the same for satan. In this way a person will
       find his sustenance in abundance. According to one hadith, the fallen morsel, if taken, become
       maihir (dower) for hoouries of the heaven and Allah, the Almighty would keep him and his
       off springs safe from leprosy, leucoderma and lunacy.
10.    Not to find fault in food.
11.  Not to blow in food as a result of carbon dioxide been released.
12.  Not to lean while eating.
13.  To read the du'aa after the meals. 

14.  To get up after lifting the dastarkhan and to read the du'aa whilst lifting the dastarkhan.
15.  To gargle the mouth.
16.  To wash the hands after eating.
17.  To recite a special du'aa after having iftar (breaking fast) or after having eaten at another
       person's house.

Best wishes