
Show Allah Your Good deeds in Ramadhaan

Ubaadah Ibn Saamit reports that, one day when Ramadhaan had come near, Rasulullah(saw) said: “Ramadhaan, the month of blessings has come upon you, wherein Allah turns towards you and sends to you His special blessings, forgives your faults, accepts your duas, appreciates your competing for the greatest good and boasts to the Malaaikah about you. So show to Allah your good deeds; for truly, the most pitiful and unfortunate one is he who is deprived of Allah’s

mercy in this month.”

Note: In this Hadeeth, we read, about the spirit of competition among the believers, each one trying to do more good deeds than the other. In our home, I am greatly very happy at seeing how the women compete with each other, each one trying to recite more Qur’aan than the others, so that together with housework, each one reads half to two thirds of the Qur’aan daily. I mention this only out of a sense of gratitude to Allah , indicating His favour and not to boast of it. May Allah accept their and our actions, and increase our ability for good actions.